America’s Power Statement on the Supreme Court Declining to Stay the EPA’s Carbon Rule

Washington, D.C. – In response to the Supreme Court declining to stay the EPA’s Carbon Rule while the case is being heard by the D.C. Court of Appeals, America’s Power President and CEO Michelle Bloodworth today issued the following statement:

“While we are disappointed that the Supreme Court declined to stay the EPA’s Carbon Rule, we are grateful that Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch stated their belief that some of the challenges raised in our complaint have ‘a strong likelihood of success on the merits.’”

“We have long stated that the EPA’s Carbon Rule is an illegal overreach of the agency’s authority and would undermine the reliability of our nation’s electrical grid. By forcing the premature retirement of coal plants, the EPA would reduce needed sources of electricity at the same time electricity demand is exploding. Coal-based electricity is essential to ensuring the United States can develop and deploy artificial intelligence and not fall behind other nations like China.”

“America’s Power has joined the 27 states who are challenging this rule in having our arguments heard by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. We believe the courts will ultimately determine that the EPA has once again gone too far and will strike down this rule based on the merits of our challenge.”