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America’s Power Statement on FERC Vote to Close Resilience Docket

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) voted to close the grid resilience docket first opened in January of 2018.  In response to the decision, America’s Power issued the following statement by Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO:

“We are disappointed that FERC voted, ironically, to shut down its three-year-old grid resilience docket at the same time electricity emergencies in Texas and other parts of the country provide stark proof that we need electricity sources and an electricity grid that are resilient,” said Bloodworth.  “In the past, we asked the Commission to answer three simple questions: What does resilience mean? How do we determine whether the electricity grid is resilient? Does the Commission believe the grid is truly resilient?  We never received a response from the Commission.  To the contrary, the Commission closed its inquiry that could have provided answers to these simple questions.”

Bloodworth continued, “As the causes of these electricity emergencies are examined in the coming weeks, we urge FERC, NERC and other policymakers to act with a sense of urgency to make sure the electricity grid is resilient before more electricity consumers face even more emergencies.   The nation cannot have a resilient grid unless it has an all-the-above energy strategy, and we cannot have an all-the-above strategy without coal-fueled electricity.”


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America’s Power is a partnership of industries

involved in producing electricity from coal.