ICYMI: America’s Power Letter to the Editor in the Wall Street Journal

Last week, the Wall Street Journal published our letter to the editor in response to a recent Wall Street Journal article, Electricity Bills Pain Californians.

You can read the letter, which highlights the impact of EPA regulations, here and below: https://www.wsj.com/opinion/california-electricity-bill-price-green-energy-coal-8931646d.

RE: Are California-Level Electric Bills the Future?

Everyone should pay close attention to “Electricity Bills Pain Californians” (Page One, Aug. 7). California’s efforts to “green” its electricity grid have caused some of the highest electricity rates in the nation. Beyond California’s expensive policies, the Environmental Protection Agency is pushing new regulations that would force coal-fueled power plants to shut down and grids in other parts of the country to shift to green electricity that is less reliable than fossil fuels. All Americans, not only Californians, will pay the price if the EPA is successful.

Unfortunately, higher electricity prices are showing up elsewhere as coal and other reliable sources of electricity are being forced to retire because of EPA regulations, unnecessary subsidies for green sources of electricity and Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) pressures. A recent power-market generating-capacity auction by the nation’s largest grid operator resulted in prices 800% higher than they were only a year ago. As rate payers pay their monthly electricity bills, they should stop to think why they will be paying more for electricity that also happens to be less reliable.

Michelle Bloodworth

President and CEO, America’s Power

Arlington, Va.