Washington, D.C. – In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that it will reconsider the Endangerment Finding, America’s Power President and CEO Michelle Bloodworth today issued the following statement:
“EPA’s Endangerment Finding is the basis for regulations that have a negative impact on many sectors of the U.S. economy and increase prices Americans pay for energy, transportation, manufactured goods, and other necessities. The Endangerment Finding was issued by EPA 16 years ago. Since that time, many new scientific studies have been published. Therefore, it makes sense to review the Endangerment Finding in light of these new studies. We expect that EPA will seek input from the best scientists and legal experts as the agency conducts its review.
“EPA’s Clean Power Plan 2.0 is a prime example of harmful regulations that are based on the Endangerment Finding. Issued by the Biden Administration, this regulation is designed to force the premature retirement of coal power plants even though the coal fleet is a dependable, affordable, and resilient source of electricity. The premature retirement of coal power plants reduces the supply of electricity at the same time experts, such as the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, are warning about the risks of electricity shortages and the loss of reliability attributes due to the retirement of dispatchable resources. This is why we are urging EPA to repeal the Clean Power Plan 2.0 as soon as possible.
“Last, it is worth noting that the U.S. coal fleet is responsible for only 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, whereas emissions from China and India total almost 40% and are growing as both countries expand their own coal fleets to support economic growth and promote their geopolitical interests.”