Washington, D.C. – Today, the White House formally announced a new economy-wide target for the United States to seek to reduce carbon emissions by 50-52 percent from 2005 levels by 2030.
America’s Power issued the following statement by Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO:
“Earth Day was founded the same year the modern Clean Air Act was passed by Congress. Today, each kilowatt hour of electricity generated by coal-fueled power plants is 90 percent cleaner in terms of conventional air pollutants than it was five decades ago. The owners of coal-fueled power plants have invested more than $120 billion in emission control technologies to achieve this success, which did not come overnight,” said Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO of America’s Power. “Investment in innovative technologies can also reduce carbon emissions from the electric power sector, but reducing emissions will require patience, sustained funding, and practical policies. America’s Power looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress to find ways to reduce carbon emissions, while ensuring the nation’s electricity grid is both reliable and resilient and our economy remains the strongest in the world,” continued Bloodworth. “At the same time, the U.S. must ensure that other countries do their part to reduce carbon emissions. It makes no sense environmentally or economically for the U.S. to reduce its carbon emissions by half while China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, continues to increase its emissions for the next ten years,” according to Ms. Bloodworth.
America’s Power is a partnership of industries
involved in producing electricity from coal.