Washington, D.C. – The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) appreciates EPA Administrator Pruitt’s comments today on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” supporting the need for diverse energy sources, including coal, to maintain a resilient electricity grid.
“We commend EPA Administrator Pruitt for thinking broadly about U.S. energy policy and pointing out the need for coal-fueled power plants in order to maintain a reliable and resilient electricity grid,” said Paul Bailey, President and CEO of ACCCE. “Coal-fueled power plants are one of the best insurance policies the U.S. has to protect against threats to the nation’s electricity grid. We are hopeful that other policy makers, including FERC, also understand and appreciate the national security benefits of coal.”
According to information compiled by ACCCE, Obama-era environmental regulations are responsible for the retirement of more than 400 coal-fueled electric generating units in 37 states. Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy initiated a study to examine electric grid reliability in the U.S and the role of regulations in causing the retirement of baseload power plants, including coal-fueled power plants.
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The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity is a partnership of industries involved in producing electricity from coal. Coal, an abundant and affordable energy resource, provides one-third of our nation’s electricity. By 2018, the coal-based power industry will have invested more than $126 billion to reduce emissions and to use this critical resource more cleanly and efficiently than ever before.