The Need for Sensible EPA Rules
As a leading advocate for the U.S. coal fleet and its supply chain, America’s Power (AP) understands the essential role that coal plays in our
As a leading advocate for the U.S. coal fleet and its supply chain, America’s Power (AP) understands the essential role that coal plays in our
Republican Sens. John Barrasso, Wyo., and Shelley Moore Capito, W. Va., are asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to hold technical conferences to review how
The capacity market designed by PJM Interconnection, the nation’s largest organized power market, is presently at a critical juncture. A recent forum hosted by the
For the second time in less than a month, the state of the nation’s electric power system was the focus of the Senate Committee on
The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board recently published an opinion piece, “Your Coming Summer of Blackouts,” following the release of NERC’s 2023 Reliability Assessment which reported
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) 2023 Summer Reliability Assessment says two-thirds of the country is at risk for electricity shortages this summer. NERC’s
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed limits on carbon emissions from power plants is the latest in a series of regulations designed to further the
At a May 4 hearing, commissioners from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) delivered a sobering message to members of the Senate Committee on Energy
The New York Times Editorial Board recently published an opinion piece, “We Desperately Need a New Electrical Grid. Here’s How to Make It Happen,” that
Concern about grid reliability is getting more attention at the highest levels on Capitol Hill. Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chair of the House Committee on